Wednesday, April 25, 2012

RVE (Reading for Virginia Educators)

Well friends... Today I took the RVE at Prometric Testing Center on Electric Road in Roanoke.  To begin with, I had to schedule the time at 9 AM, less than ideal.  Soooo I left home at 7:15 to make sure I had enough time to get there since its through a thousand stoplights and in the middle of no where.  Then I get there, and the people are less than stellar.  You have to write a paragraph in cursive, which, my friends, I have not done since third grade.  So that took me about 15 mins (along with everyone else there!).

When you're ready to go in, you stand on an X so that they can video tape you.  Then, they wand you to make sure you didn't leave any jewelry or keys or anything on!  Next, they ask you to pull up your sleeves to make sure you didn't write notes on your arms.  How tacky.  Then you go in and sign ANOTHER piece of paper, and they take your ID.  I had a sweatshirt on today, and when I walked into the room she told me not to take it off.  I mean, what if I got super hot and felt queasy and needed to take it off?!?!  Ughhhhh  Oh and the headphones there?  They pinched my tiny head so much that I had to take them off and put them back on and take them off and put them back on and take them off and... you get the picture.

And the test.... two and a half hours of pure torture.  I studied my butt off for this test, and there were things on the test that I had never even heard of.  Either Mary Baldwin doesn't prepare you for the test (I don't think that's it because many of my classmates have passed), or I got the most difficult test available that day.  It was insane.

So lesson to be learned: STUDY YOUR BUTT OFF FOR THIS TEST!  It is not to be taken lightly!  I downloaded the text provided by the Praxis website, printed it off, and studied it like crazy.  I also studied my class notes and the textbooks for my Language Arts and Content Area classes.  Finally, I took the practice test and did pretty well on it.  The test this morning, however, did not go so well.  Here's hoping I passed!!  And good luck to all of you who are working up to taking this test! 


  1. Don't feel bad. I am in the SPED program at VCU, and I've been studying for the RVE. I've been looking at the sample questions, and they allude to things that I haven't come across either.

  2. I studied like crazy. There were things that I've never seen. Waiting for my score.

  3. I passed the test, thank the Lord. Truly
